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Part 2 - Dazerine Takes the Torch

Sorry now it’s long and unedited [ 23:51 ] Basic premise -Pantsless man was only perceived by captain cos he was so stoned -Escape pod name of bar, keg room is under bar where they need to go. -To get the bartender away they say that someone has smuggled free drink into the bathroom. “They be no free drink on my watch” and with a fury the barman leapt the counter and ran to the bathroom, leaving a few beers bottles fall to the floor behind him -They escape(edited)

Added: The party lead themselves out of the room where the ceo lay prostrate on the floor, sleepily mumbling about mutiny. They run some decks and follow the sounds of merrymaking to find there way to the saloon, aptly named ‘The Escape Pod’ where the crew are celebrating. It is thronged with glassy eyed pirates roaring off key space shanty’s enthusiastically. They huddle together to blend in, breathless but glad for the distance they had made. “We need to make it to the keg room. It’s under the bar and it connects to a tunnelling system that could lead use out of here.” “What about the man with no pants? Will he come also?” The captain spoke slowly, chewing his words and licking his lips after. “Who?” They all look at him quizzically. “You mean Long Johnston Silver? He’s not pantsless, he’s just wearing tan pants.” “Really”, the captain replies slowly. “I could have swore that he had no pants…” “Maybe we mixed up the doses of Pluto weed” said trident with concern, “How high are you?” “Oh, I’m fine, how are you?” answered Diamond Beard in a chipper way. “Are you feeling okay?” “I feeling a bit spaced out…” “Well we are in space I suppose…but are you okay to continue?” “To be honest I don’t know how to continue since I don’t know what we were talking about…” Diamond Beard trails off incoherently as Trident takes a calming breath. It was just like babysitting his younger sister when they were young. “Stay here, don’t talk” he commanded and the captain nodded his head in consent. While this was happening the others had taken stock of the situation, ignoring the blubbering exchange as best they can. [ 23:54 ] “There’s just the bartender to contend with…we need some way to distract him so we can access the hatch to the keg room,” the red haired damsel says. Diamond bread scratched his bread loudly. “Hey, do you guys think there’s pizzas in those tunnels?” he asked. “Great question” the slave quips, barely hiding an eye roll. “Lets make findings that out priority number one. We just need to find a way to get the bartender away from the bar so we can sneak down.” “Great, but how do you suggest we do that?” asks Long Johnston Silver. He looks through the crowd to see a large, tattooed beast manning the bar; opening bottles with his teeth and towering over his customers. “Just leave that to me” Trident replied. Without another word, he slips from the group and disappears into the crowd. After deftly side-stepping a weeping pirate pinning for a Venusian beauty he left at the docks, he approaches the bar. [ 23:55 ] He muscles his way to the front of the crowd, staring down some other bleary eyes customers who attempt to push and pull him out of the way like an antagonist tide. As a slave you have to learn be good at being seen when you have to be or being invisible when you don’t. “Hey barman!” he shouts. The towering barman turns slowly and looks up to find the voice in the crowd. He spits on the dirty rag he is using to wipe a beer glass. “

Yes, slave” he says gruffly with an emphasis on the word slave.

“Can I have a glass please?”

“Of what?” the barman snorts.

“Just an empty glass, thanks. There’s someone who has smuggled in a load of Pluto pilsners in the toilet and they are giving it away for free!”

The barman turns red.

The change in colour fills his face like mercury rising in a thermometer.

“WHAT!” he shouts.



With agility unbefitting his stature, the barman leaps the counter and pushes some bemused revellers out of his way as he runs to the bathroom. With a firm shoulder the bathroom door splinters. Unsatisfied the barman grunts loudly and steps back to take another strike at it. But Trident has already turned away. Lord help who ever was in that bathroom now. Tackle a mans wage and tackle his pride, he thought to himself. He quickly summoned the rest of his party.

Seeing the signal they shuffle through the drunken pirates and through the haze of stale beer and the stink of unwashed clothes and make their way to the bar and wrench the hatch to the keg room open. A stairs descends into darkness with just a small bulb reflecting some kegs below. “Let’s go!” Trident yells

“Will there be people there I don’t know?”

Diamond Bread chimes in with worry in his voice. There is a collective sigh as they push Diamond Beard down the hatch, all wondering how someone so high could ever become a captain at all.

3rd September - the CEO Twitches

He flinches. He stretches. He groans in agony. Colours and shapes flash Harry Butt Musk’s mind. The CEO has been down-trodden. He collapses again, passed out, and full of intoxicants.

It’s sunny again. His limbs don’t ache like they used to. It’s his first day of high school. With him is his best friend.


Perhaps they fight over a girl. Diamond Beard is slightly more meagre but better with women. The CEO becomes bitter and resentful and decides that money, power, and callousness to those he used to try and show affection for is what he will deem valuable for the rest of his life.

The CEO awakes.

When drugging someone's pluto weed, the same effects are typical. The victim will sleep for about an hour, but after that there are very few residuals. Harry awakes to find the rush of anger pumping through him. Or maybe it's anxiety ~ he never stops to consider the difference between the two. Without fully recognizing where he is, or how he ended up like slop on the floor, Harry reaches for the alarm button he always keeps on his person.

It’s payback time.


Is Diamond Beard - Michael Sackson Musk? Donald B. Musk?